

Unlock and Root a Nexus Device

Having an unlocked and rooted device provides several advantages : Easy backup and restore with Nandroid backup, Easy firmware replacement and updates installation, Advanced debugging capabilities. The following instructions allow unlocking and rooting a Nexus device (Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7) from the command line on a Linux machine. It involves: Backuping your device, Unlocking the bootloader, Restoring the backup, Rooting the device. Prerequisites Here is the list of prerequisites :

Quickly Deploy a Git Project on a Server With Ssh

So you have this brand new project my_project of yours with your local Git repository set up and you want to quickly make it available for others to clone on your repository server. All your projects are located in your server git.mycompany.com under /srv/git. You’re using the user named git to connect to your server with the SSH private key located in ~/.ssh/git. Here is the quickiest way to deploy your projet:

Installing Redmine on Centos 6 Dot 2 Wiht Mysql and Apache

I needed recently to install the excellent project management tool Redmine on a CentOS 6.2 machine. There are some tutorials on the Web (here or here) but they are a little bit outdated. The following is a method that works as of today. Pre-requisites Logged as root, install the following packages: 1 yum install make gcc gcc-c++ zlib-devel ruby-devel rubygems ruby-libs apr-devel apr-util-devel httpd-devel mysql-devel mysql-server automake autoconf ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel curl-devel And then install the bundle ruby gem:

Django on Windows: Run Celery as a Windows Service

In my previous post, I showed how to set up a Django project on a Windows Server to be served behind IIS. After setting up the server, the next thing we want with a Django application is to be able to run background and scheduled tasks, and Celery is the perfect tool for that. On Windows, background processes are mostly run as Windows Services. Fortunately, Python for Windows Extensions (a.k.a pywin32) provides facilities to create a Windows Service.

Running Django Under Windows With Iis Using Fcgi

Update: The configuration process described in this post can be achieved with only one management command if you install the django-windows-tools application. Windows is probably not the best production environment for Django but sometimes one doesn’t have the choice. In that case, a few options aleardy exist, most notably the one developed by helicontech that relies on Microsoft’s Web Platform Installer. This solution, which is described here, relies on the installation of a specific native Handler developed by Helicontech.

Using Eclipse Templates to Ease Android Logging

Adding logs to your Android source code is sometimes the only way to really understand what happens , especially in asynchronous situations. If you are lazy like me, you may insert lazy logs like this one: 1 Log.v("#LOOK#", "onStart()"); Instead of having less lazy code like: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 public class SomeActivity extends Activity { private static final String LOG_TAG = SomeActivity.class .getSimpleName(); private static final int LOG_LEVEL = Log.