Table of contents


The root filesystems are located in $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Wsl\RootFS. Each root file system is stored as a file with the rootfs.tar.gz suffix.

Some root filesystems may be compressed with other formats than gunzip. However, the file suffix is still tar.gz and WSL will recognize it.

Along with each root filesystem file, there is a json file containing metadata information for the root filesystem. this file ends with the rootfs.tar.gz.json suffix.

Types of root filesystems

Root filesystems can currently be of the following types:


These are the filesystems that can be used by their name. Currently there is:

  • Archlinux. As this is a rolling distribution, there is no version attached. The current image used as base is 2024-04-01.
  • Alpine (3.19)
  • Ubuntu (24.04)
  • Debian (bookworm)
  • OpenSuse (tumbleweed). This is also a rolling distribution.

Each of these distributions comes into 2 flavors: Unconfigured (the default) and Configured. The configured version of the root filesystem has been already configured through a github actions workflow


Incus, or linux containers, is a solution to run Linux system containers on a Linux machine. It’s somewhat like WSL for Linux, but with more features. Canonical maintains root filesystems and images for a fair amount of linux distributions (list here).

The list of available Incus root filesystems can be obtained with the command:

PS> Get-IncusRootFileSystem

Os              Release
--              -------
almalinux       8
almalinux       9
ubuntu          xenial
voidlinux       current

A Incus based WSL distribution can be created with Install-Wsl by passing a distribution name with the form:


for instance:

PS> Install-Wsl test -Distribution incus:rockylinux:9 -SkipConfigure

Wsl-Manager will fetch the root filesystem for the corresponding distro from


A local root filesystem is only available locally. It is the result of an Export-Wsl command (more information here).


The Uri type of distributions is for distributions that have been installed from a URL. For instance:

PS> Install-Wsl test -Distribution -SkipConfigure
####> Creating directory [C:\Users\AntoineMartin\AppData\Local\Wsl\test]...
####> Downloading => C:\Users\AntoineMartin\AppData\Local\Wsl\RootFS\openwrt-22.03.2-x86-64-rootfs.tar.gz...
####> Creating distribution [test] from [C:\Users\AntoineMartin\AppData\Local\Wsl\RootFS\openwrt-22.03.2-x86-64-rootfs.tar.gz]...
####> Done. Command to enter distribution: wsl -d test
PS>  Get-WslRootFileSystem -Type Uri

    Type Os           Release                 State Name
    ---- --           -------                 ----- ----
     Uri openwrt      unknown                Synced openwrt-22.03.2-x86-64-rootfs...

Get root filesystems

The list of root filesystems is given by the Get-WslRootFileSystem command:

PS> Get-WslRootFileSystem

    Type Os           Release                 State Name
    ---- --           -------                 ----- ----
 Builtin Alpine       3.19                   Synced alpine.rootfs.tar.gz
 Builtin Arch         current                Synced arch.rootfs.tar.gz
 Builtin Debian       bookworm               Synced debian.rootfs.tar.gz
   Local Docker       unknown                Synced docker.rootfs.tar.gz
   Local jekyll       3.19.1                 Synced jekyll.rootfs.tar.gz
 Builtin Alpine       3.19                   Synced miniwsl.alpine.rootfs.tar.gz
 Builtin Arch         current                Synced miniwsl.arch.rootfs.tar.gz
 Builtin Debian       bookworm               Synced miniwsl.debian.rootfs.tar.gz
 Builtin Opensuse     tumbleweed             Synced miniwsl.opensuse.rootfs.tar.gz
 Builtin Ubuntu       noble         NotDownloaded miniwsl.ubuntu.rootfs.tar.gz
   Local Netsdk       unknown                Synced netsdk.rootfs.tar.gz
 Builtin Opensuse     tumbleweed             Synced opensuse.rootfs.tar.gz
     Uri openwrt      unknown                Synced openwrt-22.03.2-x86-64-rootfs...
   Local Postgres     unknown                Synced postgres.rootfs.tar.gz
 Builtin Ubuntu       noble                Synced ubuntu.rootfs.tar.gz


Several filters are available (see reference), like:

PS> Get-WslRootFileSystem -Os alpine

    Type Os           Release                 State Name
    ---- --           -------                 ----- ----
 Builtin Alpine       3.19                   Synced alpine.rootfs.tar.gz
 Builtin Alpine       3.19                   Synced miniwsl.alpine.rootfs.tar.gz

Synchronize root filesystems

Local Synchronization of root filesystems is performed with the Sync-WslRootFileSystem cmdlet. For instance:

PS> Sync-WslRootFileSystem -Distribution ubuntu -Configured
####> Downloading => C:\Users\AntoineMartin\AppData\Local\Wsl\RootFS\miniwsl.ubuntu.rootfs.tar.gz...
PS> Get-WslRootFileSystem -Os ubuntu

    Type Os           Release                 State Name
    ---- --           -------                 ----- ----
 Builtin Ubuntu       noble                Synced miniwsl.ubuntu.rootfs.tar.gz
 Builtin Ubuntu       noble                Synced ubuntu.rootfs.tar.gz

You can force the re-synchronization with the -Force switch. For instance, to force re-synchronization of the builtin Alpine root filesystems:

PS> Get-WslRootFileSystem -type builtin -Os alpine | Sync-WslRootFileSystem -Force
####> Downloading => C:\Users\AntoineMartin\AppData\Local\Wsl\RootFS\alpine.rootfs.tar.gz...
####> Downloading => C:\Users\AntoineMartin\AppData\Local\Wsl\RootFS\miniwsl.alpine.rootfs.tar.gz...

Remove Root filesystems

You can remove local root filesystems with the Remove-WslRootFileSystem cmdlet:

PS> Remove-WslRootFileSystem -Distribution opensuse

    Type Os           Release                 State Name
    ---- --           -------                 ----- ----
 Builtin Opensuse     tumbleweed      NotDownloaded opensuse.rootfs.tar.gz

It can accept the root filesystem through the pipe:

PS> Get-WslRootFileSystem -Os opensuse | Remove-WslRootFileSystem

    Type Os           Release                 State Name
    ---- --           -------                 ----- ----
 Builtin Opensuse     tumbleweed      NotDownloaded miniwsl.opensuse.rootfs.tar.gz

PS> Get-WslRootFileSystem -Os opensuse

    Type Os           Release                 State Name
    ---- --           -------                 ----- ----
 Builtin Opensuse     tumbleweed      NotDownloaded miniwsl.opensuse.rootfs.tar.gz
 Builtin Opensuse     tumbleweed      NotDownloaded opensuse.rootfs.tar.gz

Get root filesystems by size

You can order the present filesystem by size with the command:

PS> Get-WslRootFileSystem -State Synced| Sort-Object -Property Length -Descending | Format-Table Type, Os, Release, AlreadyConfigured, @{Label="Size (MB)"; Expression={ [int]($_.Length/1Mb) }}

   Type Os       Release    AlreadyConfigured Size (MB)
   ---- --       -------    ----------------- ---------
  Local Netsdk   unknown                 True       477
  Local Docker   unknown                 True       465
Builtin Ubuntu   noble                False       429
  Local Postgres unknown                 True       361
Builtin Arch     current                 True       328
Builtin Arch     current                False       173
  Local jekyll   3.19.1                  True       168
Builtin Debian   bookworm                True       125
Builtin Opensuse tumbleweed              True        98
Builtin Opensuse tumbleweed             False        43
Builtin Debian   bookworm               False        32
Builtin Alpine   3.19                    True        26
Builtin Alpine   3.19                   False         3