Table of contents

Minimal distribution

The fastest distribution to install is the already configured Alpine:

 install-wsl alpine1 -Distribution Alpine -Configured
####> Creating directory [C:\Users\AntoineMartin\AppData\Local\Wsl\alpine1]...
####> Downloading => C:\Users\AntoineMartin\AppData\Local\Wsl\RootFS\miniwsl.alpine.rootfs.tar.gz...
####> Creating distribution [alpine1]...
####> Done. Command to enter distribution: wsl -d alpine1

Once the root filesystem is downloaded locally, subsequent installations are even faster:

PS install-wsl alpine2 -Distribution Alpine -Configured
####> Creating directory [C:\Users\AntoineMartin\AppData\Local\Wsl\alpine2]...
####> Alpine Root FS already at [C:\Users\AntoineMartin\AppData\Local\Wsl\RootFS\miniwsl.alpine.rootfs.tar.gz].
####> Creating distribution [alpine2]...
####> Done. Command to enter distribution: wsl -d alpine2
PS wsl -d alpine2
[powerlevel10k] fetching gitstatusd .. [ok]
wsl exit

Get-Wsl allows retrieving infomrmation about the installed distrbutions:

 get-wsl alpine* | format-table -Property *

FileSystemPath BlockFile    Length Name      State Version Default Guid                                 BasePath
-------------- ---------    ------ ----      ----- ------- ------- ----                                 --------
\\wsl$\alpine2 ext4.vhdx 146800640 alpine2 Stopped       2   False 580da4f4-d3d3-4609-bd63-8b1120e8f792 C:\Users\AntoineMartin\AppData\Local\Wsl\alpine2
\\wsl$\alpine1 ext4.vhdx 146800640 alpine1 Stopped       2   False db7601cf-9cff-42ae-85c4-ab1ba516c118 C:\Users\AntoineMartin\AppData\Local\Wsl\alpine1

Locally configured distribution

Installing a locally configured distribution allows starting from the official distribution root filesystem that contains updated packages:

PS install-wsl ubuntu2210 -Distribution Ubuntu
####> Creating directory [C:\Users\AntoineMartin\AppData\Local\Wsl\ubuntu2210]...
####> Downloading => C:\Users\AntoineMartin\AppData\Local\Wsl\RootFS\ubuntu.rootfs.tar.gz...
####> Creating distribution [ubuntu2210]...
####> Running initialization script [] on distribution [ubuntu2210]...
####> Done. Command to enter distribution: wsl -d ubuntu2210
PS wsl -d ubuntu2210
[powerlevel10k] fetching gitstatusd .. [ok]
wsl exit

Incus based distributions

Incus allows running linux system containers in Linux. It is similar to WSL as it can use root filesystems as source. Canonical provides root filsystems for the most popular Linux distributions. The images built can be browsed here.

Incus root filesystems may contain more packages than the ones needed for a minimal WSL installation. However, they provide a reliable and centralized source for Linux distributions.

The complete list of Incus images is available as a JSON file [here][json incus image list]. The image details are also available in this [json file]json incus images detail.

Let’s imagine that we want to try the Alpine edge distribution. We can type:

PS> install-wsl edge -Distribution incus:alpine:edge
####> Creating directory [C:\Users\AntoineMartin\AppData\Local\Wsl\edge]...
####> Downloading => C:\Users\AntoineMartin\AppData\Local\Wsl\RootFS\incus.alpine_edge.rootfs.tar.gz...
####> Creating distribution [edge]...
####> Running initialization script [] on distribution [edge]...
####> Done. Command to enter distribution: wsl -d edge
PS> wsl -d edge
[powerlevel10k] fetching gitstatusd .. [ok]
uid=1000(alpine) gid=1000(alpine) groups=10(wheel),1000(alpine)

[json incus image list]: [json incus images detail]: