
WSL 2 needs to be installed and working. If you are on Windows 11, a simple wsl --install should get you going.

To install this module, you need to be started with the PowerShell Gallery.

The WSL distribution uses a fancy zsh theme called powerlevel10k. To work properly in the default configuration, you need a Nerd Font. My personal advice is to use Ubuntu Mono NF available via scoop in the nerds font bucket:

❯ scoop bucket add nerd-fonts
❯ scoop install UbuntuMono-NF-Mono

The font name is then 'UbuntuMono NF' (for vscode, Windows Terminal…).

Getting started

Install the module with:

❯ Install-Module -Name Wsl-Manager

And then create a WSL distribution with:

❯ Install-Wsl Arch -Distribution Arch
####> Creating directory [C:\Users\AntoineMartin\AppData\Local\Wsl\dev]...
####> Downloading → C:\Users\AntoineMartin\AppData\Local\Wsl\RootFS\arch.rootfs.tar.gz...
####> Creating distribution [dev]...
####> Running initialization script [] on distribution [dev]...
####> Done. Command to enter distribution: wsl -d dev

To uninstall the distribution, just type:

❯ Uninstall-Wsl dev

It will remove the distrbution and wipe the directory completely.

Using already configured Filesystems

Configuration implies installing some packages. To avoid the time taken to download and install such packages, Already configured root filesystems files are made available on github.

You can install an already configured distrbution by adding the -Configured switch:

 install-wsl test2 -Distribution Alpine -Configured
####> Creating directory [C:\Users\AntoineMartin\AppData\Local\Wsl\test2]...
####> Downloading => C:\Users\AntoineMartin\AppData\Local\Wsl\RootFS\miniwsl.alpine.rootfs.tar.gz...
####> Creating distribution [test2]...
####> Done. Command to enter distribution: wsl -d test2